Updated Portfolio website

After gaining feedback from Dean about my portfolio website, I wrote down what aspects of the website needed improving on a Trello Board. This helped me keep track of my tasks which aided my workflow. This was split into five lists consisting of: 

  • Checks
  • To Do
  • Asset Size Reduction
  • In Progress
  • Complete

Some images took an unusually long time to load on the website, and therefore needed to be reduced in weight. This meant reducing the dimensions, quality and sometimes file type to reach an optimal weight of 500kb. At this size, images can load faster on the website without overly disrupting the quality.

Making these improvements dramatically changed the look and feel of the website, and feel visually appears more consistent than it was previously. Further improvements will definitely be made in the near future but at present, I'm quite happy with the outcome of the site, especially considering this was coded from scratch.

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