Website Upload via FTP
To upload my website to my hosting and make any changes, I used an FTP client named, FileZilla. By contacting the support team at Tsohost (my hosting provider), I received my FTP details which I used to connect to the server. The details needed were the host name, username, password and port number. This process took a few moments, but was seamless.
I've used different methods to upload files to a hosting provider in the past. For a website development assignment in second year, I was taught how to upload files using my systems command prompt. We used an online application named Heroku, which worked by updating the files that had changed rather than uploading the whole site by using a couple of git commands. Although this process made uploading files extremely quick, setting up a .JSON file for Heroku to read was difficult. Furthermore this process became even more problematic when there was an update to the git commands, making updating the site troublesome and eventually the site became unsupported due to the amount of updates that needed to be made.
Therefore, although this is considered a more 'clunky' method of uploading files to hosting, this has always worked consistently without any errors. If errors do occur this is usually a problem with the hosting or FTP details than the software itself making it quicker to use in the long-run.