IBS Social Media Stories
I have been able to gather many IBS stories by messaging Instagram accounts who are dieticians or personal accounts that have IBS listed in their bio. Sending a direct message to these accounts introducing myself, the purpose of the instagram page and asking whether they would like to share their IBS stories to help spread awareness of the condition is successful in getting these accounts involved.
I was surprised to find that many individuals were happy to take part which I didn't expect as IBS can be a very personal journey. This collecting of IBS stories also coincided with IBS Awareness Month which takes place in April which may have helped me connect with others.
After posting, I added each post to my Instagram story making sure to tag the account that shared their story. Each story began to be reposted by those accounts and others who aligned with my mission. I made sure to use relevant hashtags such as #ibsawarenessmonth and #irritablebowelsyndrome to gain the attention of those in this niche community.
I have included these IBS journeys using a widget, which I will embed onto my website in the support section.