Job Scan CV Results
After putting my Timico CV through Job Scan's scanning tool and comparing this with the original job description I achieved a score of 37%.
I've never used this tool before but found the way it analyses for and keywords interesting. It shows that quite a number of important details are missing. This is different to the CV360 ATS checker whereby Job Scan's checker relates what it is searching for to the job description.
When reading the report, it seems as though the biggest issues were that my CV was missing mainly hard skills, as well as some soft skills.
I genuinely really liked this scanner, it's clear, easy to use and read. However, for more information you need to pay for the premium features. This is a tad annoying but is something I will heavily consider when applying more seriously to jobs.
Interestingly, my Disney CV scored higher than the Timico CV with 49%.