The Virtual World of Club Penguin

Everything has been quite stressful lately, so for no reason at all I thought I would write a blog post on Club Penguin. This game is very nostalgic to me, and was sadly closed down in 2017 by Disney. Since then, developers with a lot of time on their hands have revived the game calling it Club Penguin Rewritten. 

I thought I would play the game when I had some spare time to see what the community is like, and whether the game was different to what I remember. 

It was quite an interesting experience, I named my account Garlic Lover. There are NPC characters that rarely visit the island during events at specific times. This consisted of Aunt Arctic, who writes an advice column in the Club Penguin Times newspaper and Sensei, the sensei of the dojo and master of card-jitsu.

But odd things kept happening... Sensei decided to randomly sit next to me, even though I thought the character was programmed into the game.

While I was 'chilling' at another penguin's igloo, loads of penguins suddenly appeared, saw the pizza oven and decided to all dress the same being green with a pizza apron & hat. 

Penguins loved my username

There were too many one sided crushes...

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