Starting production

The biggest part of this project is condensing the information about IBS and making it easier to understand. This is difficult because the information is so vast, which makes the planing of this content important. This approach does go slightly against my gantt chart and may likely cause me to fall behind slightly, but feel that this is worth it to speed up my workflow at more critical points in the year.

In previous posts I have briefly planned the sections that I would like to include:

In this section, I would like to have a welcome message including:
  • Basic information about IBS
  • What is IBS?
  • Living with IBS
  • Causes & Triggers
  • Treatments
  • Stages of the diet
  • Foods to avoid
  • Recipes 
  • Useful resources
  • Case Studies
  • Facebook Support Group
  • Instagram Support Group
Useful Tips

  • Nearest public toilet locator
  • Coping mechanisms

While I plan my content, I am going to start looking into Bootstrap templates in order to find one that will fit well with my theme and be easily editable when considering my illustrative design style. This will hopefully help the progress of my project and allow me to focus on the design and construction of the mobile application. 

I haven't built a mobile application before, let alone made one accessible to users on the app store. Therefore this will require a significant amount of time in comparison to coding the website.

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