Third-Party Resources & Intellectual Property Rights

This project allows me to develop my design skills further by giving me the opportunity to create original content. All creative assets will be my own content, illustrated using Adobe Illustrator and potentially animated in After Effects for interactivity. For processing, I will attempt to use original code where possible however I may need to use open-source websites and forums to code complex elements or to research unfamiliar topics.

This will likely be using sites such as:
  • W3Schools
  • Stack Overflow
  • CodePen
I will ensure to detail any images, tutorials or websites used in my project for inspiration or use in my list of third-party resources, this will not exceed 15%.

As I will be using a MacBook Pro running MacOS for this project. Any software that is not developed by Apple is considered third-party.

This is the list of my paid third-party licences, that I intend to use for this project:
  • Adobe Creative Cloud (1 yr licence)
  • Adobe Stock - 10 assets/month (1 yr licence)
  • Sketch (1 yr licence)
  • Anima (1 yr licence)
  • Go Daddy (domain name (1 yr licence)
In my records, I have invoices detailing the ‘rights’ I have to use the above third-party software/material which I have either paid for as an upfront cost or as a monthly subscription.

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