
This will be an online solution which users will be able to access using an internet connection. The website will be hosted online and responsive for all devices allowing users to view Grumble Tum on a mobile, tablet and laptop/desktop.

The mobile application will be uploaded to both the Google Play and IOS app stores for users to download using an OS and Android mobile device.

Print material used to promote Grumble Tum will be exported for print using CMYK colours at 300dpi minimum. This will be in .pdf (print) format with print marks and a suitable bleed depending on the size of the document.
The majority of digital illustrations for the website & app will be exported using RGB colours and use .png format at 150ppi maximum and 72ppi minimum to help compromise for loading speeds. Any important logos will use .svg format as this will need to be scalable for numerous devices. For social media channels, Facebook/Instagram posts will need to be 1080px x 1080px using RGB colours at 150ppi in .png format.

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