Cultural Context: Medical History of IBS

According to Maxwell, Mendall and Kumar (1997) in the Lancet’s journal article ‘Irritable Bowel Syndrome’, IBS was described by Osler in 1892 under the name, ‘Mucous colitis’. This definition evolved over numerous decades until 1929 when Jordan and Kiefer used, ‘Irritable colon’ to describe a “colonic musculoneural disturbance present in 30% of gastroenterology outpatients. (Maxwell, Mendall and Kumar, 1997)”

Maxwell, Mendall and Kumar (1997) states, “Irritable colon described abdominal pain and disordered defaecation; it thus had a meaning similar to its present one.” IBS can have a magnitude of causes which are specific to each individual, however a figure in Maxwell, Mendall and Kumar’s (1997) article states the potential causes of IBS as a debate using the data found in other clinician’s research - I have presented this figure below to give more insight into the variants of the causation of this condition.

Maxwell, P., Mendall, M. and Kumar, D., 1997. Irritable bowel syndrome. The Lancet, [online] 350(9092), pp.1691-1695. Available at: <> [Accessed 31 December 2020].

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