Successful Brands

(Media tool kit, n.d.)

My Experience with the brand
Sainsbury's brand identity has become vital when advertising their products and services. Their signature orange colour are what the audience relates to Sainsbury's. They have included their branding outside their stores, on simple elements such as their bags for life which are orange with white copy and their delivery vans. Previously, their tagline was, 'Try something new Today' however this was updated to, 'Live Well for Less' which both deliver the same message in a slightly different way. The first tagline explains that Sainsbury's stock a variety of products and specialist items that other competitors may not; which gives the audience the feel of a premium service. Meanwhile the second tagline is simply saying that their high-quality products are affordable. I imagine that this tagline has changed because Sainsbury's was beginning to gain a reputation of being very expensive and not good value for money compared to their competitors.

(The Token logo | McDonald's Corporation, n.d.)

My Experience with the brand
The branding for McDonald's is truly iconic. The 'm' represents a french fry in its colour and curved shape while the red background surrounding the letter represents the ketchup that compliments fries. McDonald's use their branding inside their restaurants, on their mobile collection app, fast-food packaging and even on subtle elements of each employees uniform. Their branding is very prominent as it nostalgic and each restaurant usually has a visible McDonalds logo that can be seen clearly when driving. Their tagline, 'I'm lovin' it' demonstrates that the resturant sells tasty food that anyone can enjoy.

(File:MarvelLogo.svg - Wikimedia Commons, n.d.)

My Experience with the brand
Marvel's branding is quite classic for this type of media. Popular movie logos use simple stylised typography instead of a photograph or vector image so that the brand name is memorable for the audience. Each Marvel movie have their own branding and distinctive typeface. Guardians of the Galaxy compared to Thor, have different styles based on the theme and attributes of the movie. The Marvel branding is used in the opening title sequence of their movies and their merchandise. The simple use of red and white makes this logo design bold and readable. It references their previous Marvel Comics logo designs so that consumers are still familiar with the brand.

(HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARVEL COMICS! | Coachella Valley Weekly, 2019)

Each successful brand logo I've included are: 
  • Strong
  • Simple
  • Use Limited Colours
  • Versatile
  • Creates impact
  • Used at a variety of scales
It is important to evaluate successful brands to understand what elements are needed when creating a brand logo and identity for my degree project. n.d. Media Tool Kit. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 October 2020].

Coachella Valley Weekly. 2019. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARVEL COMICS! | Coachella Valley Weekly. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 31 October 2020]. n.d. File:Marvellogo.Svg - Wikimedia Commons. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 October 2020].

McDonald's Corporation. n.d. The Token Logo | Mcdonald's Corporation. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 October 2020].

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