Part-time Employment

I have been applying for part-time positions since September to coincide with studying. Before going on placement, I was working as a Web & Graphic Design Assistant at Hertfordshire Students' Union where I updated and designed graphical elements for the Union's website. Once I had returned back from placement, my job role should have been secured for my return. However due to coronavirus, the Union haven't been able to employ any students until potentially semester B.

Having part-time employment forces me to be motivated and use any free time sparingly on my University projects as well as the added bonus of having an income. My previous role required a large amount of coding which sometimes would frazzle my brain. This meant in the evening I would find it a little difficult to work on intense coding tasks for my projects. Therefore when looking for jobs this time, I decided to look for a retail position. The last time I actually worked in retail was in 2017 for McDonald's so I knew it would be difficult to find an employer who would employ me without recent experience. 

Alas, I have successfully been accepted for a 12-hour contract at Sainsbury's in Welwyn! I've really been enjoying my new role and luckily was able to choose my shift pattern. I have decided to work four-hour shifts three days a week in the evenings in the hope that this wouldn't tire me out as much compared to having a longer hours.

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