Behavioural segmentation
I've been using the audience agency to define myself and my target audience to gain a better idea of who my project is targetting.
I believe I most closely relate to the 'Kaleidoscope Creativity' segment with some elements of the 'Experience Seekers' category. Kaleidoscope Creativity is described as, "Mixed age, low level engagement, free local events, outdoor arts and festivals" (Kaleidoscope Creativity, n.d.) while Experience Seekers are described as, "Highly active, diverse, social and ambitious, engaging with arts on a regular basis" (Experience Seekers, n.d.) type of individuals.
The reasons why I relate to this segment is due to my:
- Low cultrual engagement
- Enjoyment of music events/festivals
- High internet and online streaming usage
- Home-based leisure activities such as playing computer games and internet browsing
- Heavy viewing of subscription services
I feel that my target audience may also relate to these categories. My mainstream audience is generation Y which are in the 26 - 40 age group, therefore, my target audience is unlikely to be in the 'heydays', 'home and heritage', 'Commuterland Culturebuffs' or 'up our street' categories. Therefore when reading through the other segments, they are more likely to be either 'Experience Seekers' or 'Trips & Treats' depending on their age and stage of life.
Likely Marketing Strategies
Experience Seekers:
- Social Media promotions
- E-mail communication
- Websites
- Print material mainly posters
- Potentially Newspapers
- Advertisements on public transport
- Word of Mouth
'They are out and about a lot so ambient advertising on the streets and in local media is visible to them and they are receptive to its messages (if it interests them). However, their primary source is websites, where they are looking for the information they need to make decisions. They are not experts in any particular field and unlikely to be particularly ‘loyal’ to one organisation so building relationships using online tools would be most effective.' (Experience Seekers, n.d.)
'Email is key, backed up by an informative and engaging website and entertaining content on social media. Print advertising may reach them through the Metro and The Guardian or a regularly read local paper. Ambient, street advertising is also visible to them – on public transport in particular. Word of mouth is crucial, incorporating all the necessary information and content for an informed but not expert crowd to share digitally. There is an expectation from this group that the latest new offerings will be listed in national and/or local listings.' (Experience Seekers, n.d.)
'Making digital content work beyond the organisations’ digital channels will broaden its reach by working in partnership or simply by making content easily ‘shareable’. Online advertising, promoted tweets and Facebook ads/news feeds could be essential in bringing the offer to this group’s attention.' (Experience Seekers, n.d.)
Trips & Treats:
- Print material with clear messaging
- Local Newspaper or radio
- Websites
- Word of Mouth
- Social Media incentives
'For larger shows or exhibitions Trips & Treats will expect to see prominent advertising and clear messages. If they commute they will look for street advertising, otherwise local newspapers and radio may be key sources. Word of mouth may be effective through provision of entertaining and engaging digital content which can be shared. This group are fairly responsive to direct emails or post, once engaged. Websites should be clear and informative, as they will be regularly visited once a family is interested. For more local activities, promotion via third party organisations at a community level may be effective – engaging local ‘advocates’ to help spread the word. While social media is a key influencer for this group, providing them with content through other digital channels to share and incentivising them to do this, may be most effective.' (Trips and Treats, n.d.)
Potential Market Size
Experience Seekers: 8% of English households
Trips & Treats: 16% of English households
The Audience Agency. n.d. Experience Seekers. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 October 2020].
The Audience Agency. n.d. Facebook Families. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 October 2020].
The Audience Agency. n.d. Kaleidoscope Creativity. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 October 2020].
The Audience Agency. n.d. Trips and Treats. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 October 2020].