Is Web Design truly Dead?
During today's Professional Practices lecture, we were asked what we wanted to specialise in. After explaining that I was interested in Digital Design but more specifically in Web Design & Development, I was told along the lines of: "Web Design is Dead" Although extremely disheartening for a student just starting their journey to hear that their chosen career path is 'dead' or 'dying', I thought gathering some research into whether there was truth in this statement. Learning about others' points of view can be insightful and expand your knowledge further. Personally I chose this industry because designing has always interested me. My creative journey started at a young age when I simply enjoyed drawing. (Gattuso, n.d.). Once I reached secondary school, this progressed into a GCSE in Fine Art and in ICT. Deciding to attend a STEM technical college, was where I put art to one side and studied Computer Science and Engineering. I really enjoyed both s...