
Showing posts from December, 2020

Completed Freelance Project

I have now completed the freelance project for Secure Fire Services who were pleased with the outcome as their website looks and feels modern. There has been a few problems with transferring the already-existing domain name to Weebly, so as a workaround we have forwarded the domain to the Weebly website instead.

Go Herts Award

I have decided to apply to the Go Herts Award, which recognises your extra-curricular activities outside of your degree from the moment you started University. You need 100 hours for the Bronze Award, 200 hours for the Silver Award and 300 hours for the Gold Award. Throughout my time at University, I have achieved the Gold Award by totalling 418.48 hours working part-time at the University of Hertfordshire's Students' Union during my first and second year of study. It is important to apply for this award, as it is added onto your transcript once graduated and shows to employers that you achieved more than just a degree while at University. As evidence, I gained a witness statement detailing this achievement which the Marketing Executive completed and signed. When applying for this award, it is required that you write a reflection on your extra-circular activities. As all my hours are from the Professional Development strand, I decided to write my reflection on my participation ...

Web Safe Colours

Steve mentioned that he was unsure whether the colours in my original colour palette were web safe. As I had never heard of this term before, I decided to do some research in order to understand this concept fully.   I discovered that a palette of 216 Web Safe colours were produced in order to avoid a loss of quality by 256 colour displays. From my research I believe this colour palette isn't relevant to today as the majority of screens use true colour (24 or 32 bit) and dithering to create an accurate representation of an image. Using web safe colours would be more of a consideration if my target audience were an older age bracket e.g. Baby Boomers, as they may own more than ten year  old equipment. Additionally, web safe colours may be relevant if I were targeting developing nations whereby it may be difficult to source new equipment.  Nevertheless, this is my original colour palette which I have converted to a web safe colour palette to compare the diffe...

Research into Anima

Steve mentioned a plugin named 'Anima', which has the capability to convert a mock-up into fully functioning code which would potentially fast-track the creation of my mobile application. As the prototyping features are free to use, I may decide to use this plugin in order to gain new skills and have a live prototype that is easily accessible online. I watched this tutorial that shows how to use the Anima launchpad in Sketch to create a working prototype.  I discovered through this tutorial that you can add: Breakpoints for different device sizes Links Button hover effects Videos Simple forms Widgets Since 2017, this plugin has been updated to include more features, however this technical tutorial gave me the foundation needed to understand the functionality and basic limitations of the plugin.  (Sketch Together, 2017) Sketch Together, 2017.  Publish A Website From Sketch With Launchpad . [video] Available at: <> [Accessed ...

Handmaids Tale Experimentation

As this is a ballet adaptation, I thought perhaps I could use ballet shoes as a motif. I'm going to try to avoid making this look cliché. If this doesn't work, I may play around with the additional photograph that Dean provided us with. I purchased a pair of used old pointe shoes on a reselling app named, 'Depop' and once arrived asked my boyfriend to hold the ribbons of the ballet shoes in different positions. At first I noticed that the natural lighting was extremely dark and dull. Being a complete amateur at photography, logically I needed another light source so decided to use a smartphone camera flashlight to provide this.  We tried the lighting from different angles until we had the flashlight almost face-on to the ballet shoes. This reminded me of being in front of a spotlight at the theatre and created some amazing natural shadows. I thought the introduction of the male hand/arm was synonymous with the controlling men in the Handmaid's Tale.  The main theme ...

Handmaid's Tale

This project was originally due close to the dissertation enquiry and degree project enquiry deadlines. Therefore initially, I decided to create a simple piece in order to complete the work to the deadline while adhering to ENO's brand guidelines. I created this poster by cutting out the women in the middle using Adobe Photoshop and overlaying this on top of the original image that I had been extended to fit a variety of sizes. The Handmaid's Tale is a really dark dystopian story. In order to gain knowledge on this novel and its signature motifs, I decided to watch the trailer and some clips from the TV series adaptation. After speaking to Dean, he mentioned that this is very linear so I have decided to attempt to create something myself using the symbolic. I feel this won't look as professional as my previous work, but as this is due in January, I have a while to experiment with different ideas.

Progress on the Lemon Project

I have been attempting to post an Instagram post at least once a week however this hasn't been my top priority recently due to both the dissertation enquiry and degree project proposal deadlines. Since these have been handed in, I have decided to re-evaluate my lemon project and marketing strategies to gain more followers. I noticed that my follower account had plateaued at approx 60 followers after asking friends and family to follow my account on my main Instagram account and promoting this on my Snapchat story. Although I have 320 followers on my main Instagram account, I believe some of the users are either inactive or simply uninterested in a lemon page. (Promotion on Snapchat and my main Instagram account, own images) (Promoting posts on Instagram to the followers on my main account, own images) Another avenue I used to gain a few followers was to promote my lemon page on the Digital Media Design Instagram account, which currently has 119 followers. I originally started popul...